(978) 475-2533 | (978) 852-8697
(978) 475-2533 | (978) 852-8697

Most people want to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyle once they stop working. However, living in retirement requires a different set of strategies than saving for retirement. The major challenge clients face is converting a nest egg accumulated over a lifetime of work into an income stream that will last for as long as they live. We guide you through the transition from the workforce and then throughout your retirement to ensure that your income and investments are aligned with your spending needs. We will:

  • Evaluate potential tax minimization strategies including:
    • Employer retirement plan to IRA rollovers.
    • Tax-efficient distribution of existing annuities.
    • Tactical traditional IRA to Roth IRA conversions.
  • Analyze employer pension payout options (lump-sum vs. life annuity vs. joint & survivor annuity).
  • Determine optimal Social Security timing strategies.
  • Coordinate Medicare with supplemental plans.
  • Construct, implement and manage a systematic portfolio withdrawal plan to:
    • Generate a monthly paycheck to cover your spending needs.
    • Match withdrawals with spending to ensure that your nest egg lasts as long as you live.
    • Minimize taxes.

Sentry Financial Planning does not sell insurance products, draft estate planning documents or prepare tax returns. Our advice and work with clients and their insurance, estate, and tax specialists is based on the perspective of a financial advisor. Clients should rely on the expertise of professionals in each of these areas.

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